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 Hello and welcome to my new website

My name is Nikola and I'm a writer & painter, though thus far I have been somewhat more successful as a painter than a writer.​

But I'm passionate about my stories and determined ​to become established as a successful writer.

My art is my legacy, my contribution to and recognition of those who came before me.

So, take a look around, get to know me and I'll do my best to get to know you too!

I am currently 'spruiking' my first manuscript - The Return of the Jezi Babas

a historical fantasy with dark elements which combines aspects of the medieval Croatian Royal Dynasty with Slavic mythology & could best be described as dark Brothers Grimm-like tales mixed with the supernatural elements of Macbeth;


working on a new WIP which is about the Russian Revolution & WWI but told through journals discovered after renovation of a house in modern Melbourne Australia.  

It is currently in a very embryonic stage.

I have also entered a few writers contests and hope to update on their progress by Easter 2013.

...a line from competition 1 -750-word short fiction: 

...what a great story! I think it’s difficult to write something with action like this in 750 words

...a line from competition 2 - 2500-word non-fiction: 

...masters the literary paintbrush at a high level creating a world of fiction that is strongly inviting for deep exploration


I would also like to highly recommend Atlantis Short Story Competition.  Not only is it open worldwide, actual editors give you real feedback and the Team are so helpful!

Whoop Whoop

I know it’s been a while since I did an update – sorry!  But I have news!

I just received an email from Atlantis Short Story Comp and my short story was ranked 9! Yep NINTH! I’m over the moon.

Atlantis hasn't updated their website as they wanted to advise all participants first but my name will be in (dim) lights on their website very soon 
The website link is above -- check out 

Other news – I have a new companion sharing my apartment with me.  She’s sleek and a bit fussy about her food and prefers to say indoors.  Oh and I love it when she purrs.  Yep my new best friend is a kitty 

As for my new MS – it’s coming along swimmingly; in fact better and faster than I could ever have imagined… I love autumn in Melbourne it brings me such good fortune!

Also check out my Blog:


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